
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mahi Tahi

Mahi Tahi is where Tui Te Kahu and Kakapo all get together and get in groups and then the teachers tell us what the instructions are and they give us the stuff that we need. Mahi tahi that we did this morning was a food test challenge and the instructions were two of the people that are in your group had a blind fold on and the teachers came around to give us the food and one of the persons gets to test the food and one gets to guess what the food is and the person that is testing describes what the food is to the person that is guessing and the person that is guessing when they finish  guessing they take there  blind fold off and write it on a paper and then you swap with the next person and keep going.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Last weeks research.

Last week i research about the Eiffel Tower go to my blog and cheek it out.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

This is my landmark that i research

Why i want to go to wellington.

I want to go to Wellington because

Wellington has water parks and their water parks look really cool to have a swim in summer.

Next part of why i want to go to Wellington...

Wellingtons landmarks they have a hill that has Wellingtons name on it.
Sir lan Athfield home.
Next part...

Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.
You can go to a places that have native birds,trees and plants.Also you can  go to a place that is called Wellingtons cable car and that is why i want to go to Wellington so much so one day i would like to go to Wellington one day.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What an information report is...

An information report is about anything. It can be about a Country. My class wrote a Country's name on our own paper and the teacher told us to crunch it up and throw it up in the air and get someone's that was not ours and then what ever we got we went off and researched about it. Also an information report gives factual information about a certain topic or theme.  

Thursday, August 8, 2019

$200 note

I choose Jean Batten on my $200 note because i like the way she flew planes and she crashed a few times and that is why i put her on my $200 note. I put the tui on my $200 note because the tui is one of my favorite birds and i put the yellow for my background all of the other ones were other colors and that is why my background is yellow. I put a plane for my landmark because she flew planes.